Calcinotto’s 2024 Annual Bike Day

Culture, News


The Day

This year’s Annual Bike Day was an absolute success! We kicked off the day bright and early at 8:30 am, gathering at Wareham Forest.

Our participants were started off with a delicious breakfast spread, complete with coffee, tea, and cooked options to fuel up for the day ahead.

After breakfast, we split into three groups to hit the trails: Gravel Trail, Mountain Biking, and Technical Mountain Biking. Each group tackled unique challenges and took in the stunning scenery.

A couple of groups stopped for a quick break at the Sherford Bridge, where they were greeted with goodie bags to re-energise for the rest of the day, whereas the Technical Mountain Bikers ploughed on, hitting jumps…

At 13:00, we all reconvened at 29029, for a buffet lunch and a catchup. With perfect weather and smiles all around, everyone had a fantastic time. 

Thanks to all who joined us, and we’re looking forward to next years!

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