Embracing Growth: The Value of Another Work Experience Placement


Luca Calcinotto

Last week marked the fourth Work Experience Placement in the span of six weeks, and it doesn’t end there–watch this space!

As an employer in the engineering sector, Calcinotto truly value the significance of work experience placements for both our industry and aspiring engineers. These opportunities go beyond mere internships; they shape the future of our workforce by nurturing young talents and instilling practical skills, one of our company ethos; grow from within and train up to the top.

Work Experience at Calcinotto

At Calcinotto, the chance for a work experience placement creates invaluable benefits for our students…

  • Practical Learning: Work experience bridges theory and practice, enabling students to apply their knowledge in real-world settings.
  • Building Networks: Placements expand professional networks, fostering positive relationships with educational institutions.
  • Confidence and Adaptability: Students gain confidence and adaptability, essential skills for personal and professional growth.

Investing in work experience placements is a win-win, empowering both employers and students on their path to success.

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