Calcinotto are appointed to convert 3 redundant hotels into a 121 assisted living apartments and a 90 bed hotel
Setting new standards in residential living
To provide sufficient facilities to accommodate a 121 assisted living apartments and a 90 bed hotel allowing for retirement leisure and business

Transforming spaces with innovative solutions
With 121 assisted living apartments and a sea facing luxury 90 bed hotel, with state of the art conference facilities, the scheme will create a new retirement, leisure and business community, on one of the finest pieces of south coast real estate. Quantum’s visionary design proposal is based on a deep understanding of the local area and the essential need for key areas of the borough to be regenerated with high quality residential and hotel properties.
Fully compliant with local policy and strategy, the design and architecture are sensitive to both Bournemouth’s heritage and conservation area location. The application went to committee with the Planning Officer’s recommendation to approve. Consent was achieved for 3 new replacement buildings, including complete clearance and landscaping of the site.
Calcinotto were appointed to provide supporting documentation to achieve a planning consent along with building surveys preliminary concept scheme designs.

- Categories Healthcare, Leisure & Hospitality