Our client, PHP Primary Care Developments, has commissioned the design and build of a new medical centre in Chichester, West Sussex.
Refurbishing Health services in a local area
The building is targeting an EPC A rating and will be a net zero carbon development. The building is being delivered in a highly sustainable way, with materials from certified responsible sources, low carbon products, low waste and water and enhanced ecology on site.

Dual practicality & conservation
The building consists of a new two storey building with rooftop plant and photovoltaic panels, providing consulting rooms and administration/management space at both levels, together with a pharmacy at ground floor level. There is the option of a rear extension for expansion if required at some point in the future.
The front elevation has a feature entrance canopy at roof levels, which returns down the right-hand side and access is provided to the plant area at roof level via a dedicated ladder and access hatch. The primary structure comprises a steel frame with composite metal deck at first floor.
A new vehicular access is to be constructed for the development and the parking areas incorporate permeable paving with full infiltration to SUDs guidelines for discharge of surface water. The foul water is discharging via gravity to the public sewer within the adjacent main road.

- Categories Healthcare